Older Photos
Photos from Class of '57 Reunion
(Photos courtesy of Don Phillips, Class of '53; captions courtesy of Mary Ann Leon Heim, Class of '57)
Mary Ann Leon Heim, Billy Wise and wife, Pat Sanders Johnson - Lee Edwards back to camera
David Simmons and wife
Pat Gladden Berry, Mary Ruth Sorrel Frank, Mary Ann Heim
Virginia Melder Butler, Jerry Crenshaw, Tommy Crenshaw, Phil Frank (Mary Ruth's husband)
Shirley Kendrick Ardoin, Jimmy Orton
Pat Sanders Johnson, Carolyn Christian Betts
Linda and Raymond Zimmerman, Patrick Johnson
Jerry and Tommy Crenshaw, Shirley Kendrick Ardoin
Ken Corley, Mary Ann and Sammy Brasfield
Sylvia Gates Barham, Denny Howard and his wife
Andy Dalyrmple, Jimmy Orton
Judy Shellhammer Phillips
Jeanette and Tom Owen
Wayne Foster, Jim Becken, Julie Crenshaw
David Simmons and Wife, Billy Wise and Wife
Vickie Foster, Jim and Jan Becken
Denny Howard's wife and Jeanette Owen
Mary Ann Leon Heim
Virginia Melder Butler, Jeanette Dove Lewis
Jimmy Orton, Jerome Butler
Andy Dalyrmple, Denny Howard, Tom Owen,Pat Gladden Berry, Worth Roberts
Sammy Brasfield, Pat Johnson
John Hickman and wife
Carolyn Betts, Elaine Dalymple Jones
Bobbie and Andy Dalrymple, Sylvia Gates Barham
Raymond Zimmerman, Phil Frank, Jeannie Kelso Orton
Linda Zimmerman, Pat Johnson, Mary Ruth Frank, Mary Ann Heim, Jeanette Lewis, Pat Berry
Shirley Ardoin, Anne Cascio Bennette, Robert Lasiter. Bonnie Williams Corley. Back to camera Judy Shelhammer Phillips and Mary Ann Heim
Ken Corley, Lee Edwards
Dorothy Braswell, Sammy Braswell, John Hickman and wife
Tommy Crenshaw, Julie Crenshaw, Anne Bennett and Jerry Crenshaw
Donnie Ladatto, Rhoda Griswold, Jim and Jan Becken
Don Bennett and Wayne Foster
Billy Wise and wife
Jerome Butler, Jim and Jan Becken
Judy Shellhammer Phillips, Ouita Tucker Pye and Bonnie Williams Corley
John Hickman and wife
Denny and Benny Howard
Anne and Don Bennett
Donnie Ladatto and friend, Rhoda Griswold
Willie Vines and Bill Boston
Bill Boston's wife, Julie Crenshaw and Tommy Crenshaw
Ray and Linda Zimmerman
Mary Ann Leon Heim
Carolyn Betts, Jeanette Dove Lewis, Andy Dalyrmple, Worth Roberts back to camera
Sammy Brasfield to left, Shirley Kendrick Ardoin in red, Judy Shellhammer Phillips end of table
Bobby and Juddy Ferguson Mitchell with Pat Gladden Berry and Mary Ann
Johnny Rockett and wife facing camera, Linda Clegg Zimmerman in black, Mary Ann back to camera
Oline Barney Carney and husband Ray, Pat Gladden Berry and Carolyn Christian Betts background
Pictures from the Fall Meeting of the Planning Committee
Held at Toledo Bend State Park
& the home of The Coopers
Mildred Branch Nesbett & Shirley Ponder Hardwick
Donald Ray Cooper, Cookie Moore Reed, Zeke Howard
Charles Hickman
Playing Dominoes
Hamburgers at the Toledo Bend Campground
Zeke Howard's Famous Pancake Breakfast
Shirley & Carl Hardwick, Paxton Dickson
Mildred Branch Nesbett, Donald Ray Cooper, Patsy Stewart Hickman
Charles Hickman & Peggy Murphey Stockard
Charles Connaughton
Mary Ann Moe Connaughton & Cookie Moore Reed
Andrea Jones Cooper, Janelle Morell Hendrix, Donald Ray Cooper
Gwen Howard, Carl & Shirley Ponder Hardwick
Mary George Stone Nugent & Peggy Murphey Stockard
Jimmy Stockard
Jay Reed & Don Nesbett
Gwen Howard, Don Nesbett, Charles & Mary Ann Moe Connaughton
Charles Hickman & Jimmy Stockard
Carolyn Dickson & Peggy Murphey Stockard
Mary George Stone Nugent & Coach Clem Henderson
J. R. Nugent, Sonny Sorrell, Don Phillips, Charles Hickman
Byron & Bonnie Spence King, Donald Ray Cooper
Andrea Jones Cooper & Paxton Dickson cooking catfish
Coach Clem Henderson & Sonny Sorrell
Martha Henderson & Charles Hickman
Patricia LaGrone & Peggy Murphey Stockard
Dale LaGrone, Jimmy Stockard, Charles Connaughton
Byron King, Charles Hickman
Mary Ann Moe Connaughton, Dale LaGrone, Charles Connaughton
Faye Dunn Cunningham
Getting After the Catfish
Bobby Cunningham
Peggy Murphey Stockard, Gwen Howard, Paxton Dickson
Patricia & Dale LaGrone, Sonny Sorrell
Coach Clem Henderson & Jimmy Stockard
1st Row: Paxton Dickson, Charles Connaughton, Mary Ann Moe Connaughton
Cookie Moore Reed, Mary George Stone Nugent, Charles Hickman
Patsy Stewart Hickman, Faye Dunn Cunningham, Bonnie Spence King
2nd Row: Donald Ray Cooper, Jimmy Stockard, Mildred Branch Nesbett
Janelle Morell Hendrix, Sonny Sorrell, Don Phillips, Dale LaGrone
Carl Hardwick, Zeke Howard
Patsy Stewart Hickman rides the horse
Janelle Morell Hendrix, Donald Ray Cooper
J. R. & Mary George Stone Nugent, Peggy Stockard
Gwen Howard, Mildred Branch Nesbett, Andrea Jones Cooper
Cookie Moore Reed prepares for committee meeting
Patricia LaGrone, Peggy Stockard, Bonnie Spence King
Gwen & Zeke Howard, Carolyn Dickson, J. R. Nugent
Mary Ann Moe Connaughton, Cookie Moore Reed, Charles Hickman
J. R. Nugent, Andrea Jones Cooper, Janelle Morell Hendrix
Mary George Stone Nugent
Carl & Shirley Ponder Hardwick
Cookie Moore Reed displays FPHS memorabilia
Carolyn Dickson & Peggy Murphey Stockard
Jimmy Stockard & Donald Ray Cooper
Donald Ray Cooper receives handiwork from Zeke Howard
Zeke Howard presents his annual bird houses to the ladies
Pictures from the induction of Rogers Hampton
2008 ArkLaTex Sports Museum of Champions Induction Banquet
8/16/08 Shreveport Convention Center
Don Cooper, Rogers Hampton, A.L. Williams and Andrea Cooper'58
in front of display in Museum for Rogers and Tommy Davis('92 inductee)
Charles Thomas '51; Tommy Furr Thomas '55 and Don Phillips '53
Teddy Gerrard '51, Don Brown '51, and Glen Flesher '51
James Farrar '50, Don Cooper '53, and Ron Rice'52
Faye Dunn Cunningham '53, Bobby Cunningham, Mary Black Sanders '53, and Janelle Morrell Hendrix '53
trying to figure out how to validate a parking ticket.
Pictures from the Shreveport Luncheon
at Don's Seafood 7-17-08
A. L. & Sara Williams, Don & Mildred Branch Nesbett
Don Phillips & Janelle Morell Hendrix, George & Valerie Harris Webb
Sonny & Derrel Jean Witteborg Sorrell, William & Peggy Redwine Newell
Zeke & Gwen Howard, Glen & Pat Smith
Zeke & Gwen Howard, Don & Judy Phillips
Coach Clem & Martha Henderson, Donald Ray & Andrea Jones Cooper
Derrel Jean Witteborg Sorrell, Cookie Moore Reed, & Robbie Jean Spencer Massey
Coaches Clem & A. L., Coach Clem Henderson
Donald Ray Cooper & Ron Rice & Don Phillips, Sonny Sorrell & Cathy Bonds & Martha Henderson
Baby Staggs & wife, Cherry; Shirley Ponder Hardwick & Robert Stathem
Billy Wise ('57) & Bennie Jo Ledlow Wise (Class of 58); Jim & Janeil Ward Schultz
Billy Wise & Robert Stathem; Aline Roy Hunt & Husband and Margaret Rivers Ray
Dallas/Ft. Worth Luncheon 6/28/08
at Abuelo's Mexican Food Embassy in Plano, TX
Jack & Barbara Sutton, Charles & Patsy (Stewart) Hickman,
Johnie & Betty (Bacon) Crumpler, Charles & Mary Ann (Moe) Connaughton,
and Jim & Janeil (Ward) Schultz
Glenn & Suzanne Organ
at home in Bay City, Texas on their 50th wedding anniversary
Jimmy & Peggy Stockard, Glenn & Suzanne Organ
on the occasion of the Organ's 50th Wedding Anniversary
Glenn & Jimmy have been friends since childhood
Glenn and his sister, Virginia
Peggy Stockard, Suzanne & Glenn Organ
at a Seafood Restaurant in Texas
The Ark-La-Tex Sports Museum of Champions will induct Rogers Hampton at a ceremony to be held on August 15, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hilton Hotel, located in the Shreveport Convention Center. Rogers was one of the most outstanding football players ever to play at Fair Park High School and his extensive career in football set new standards for athletes of all ages.
April 16, 2008 - Planning Committee Meeting
Nesbett Farm - Jefferson, Texas
Bonnie Spence King, Jimmy Stockard, Donald Ray Cooper, Dale LaGrone,
Janelle Morell Hendrix, & Zeke Howard doing Committee work.
Donald Ray Cooper & Zeke Howard; Jay Reed
Jimmy Stockard, Zeke Howard, Don Nesbett, Don Cooper, Paxton Dickson; Don Cooper, Charles Hickman, Zeke Howard
Jimmy Stockard throws log on fire; Paxton Dickson and Patsy Stewart Hickman
Gwen Howard, Carolyn Dickson, Peggy Stockard; Bonnie Spence King, Zeke Howard, Don Nesbett
At the Nesbett Farm
Carl Hardwick gets birdhouse from Zeke Howard; Dale LaGrone, Charles Connaughton, Cookie Moore Reed
Paxton, Mary Black Sanders, Carolyn Dickson, Carl make hotdogs; Sonny Sorrell hugs Patsy Hickman
Bobby Cunningham, Don Nesbett cook burgers; Patricia LaGrone & Shirley Ponder Hardwick
Peggy Stockard & Gwen Howard; Faye Dunn Cunningham & Patsy Stewart Hickman
Mary Black Sanders; Sonny Sorrell & J. R. Nugent
Don Phillips; Sonny Sorrell
Nesbett, Sorrell & Howard cooking burgers; Carl Hardwick & J. R. Nugent
Zek Howard & Andrea Cooper downtown Jefferson; Charles Connaughton & Don Nesbett
Eating steak in Avinger, Texas; Peggy Stockard, Mary George Stone Nugent, Andrea Cooper, Mildred Branch Nesbett
Charles & Mary Ann Moe Connaughton; Jimmy & Peggy Murphey Stockard
Don & Mildred Branch Nesbett; Charles & Patsy Stewart Hickman
J. R. & Mary George Stone Nugent; Zeke & Gwen Howard
Donald Ray & Andrea Jones Cooper; Jay & Cookie Moore Reed
Carl & Shirley Ponder Hardwick; Paxton & Carolyn Dickson
Byron King, Jay Reed, Charles Connaughton, Charles Hickman, Zeke Howard